Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hackney Election Fraud Investigation Underway

Breaking news... word on the street this weekend is that the consultant who carried out the Hackney election fraud study at the time of the May elections has been retained to carry out further detailed research into the election results. Great news! As soon as we find out more about the scope of the study we will be the first to let you know.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you back online, Cynic. Have you been away? Your website seems to have disappeared for a while. Glad to hear that someone is looking at the election results again - it's about time! That said, I still don't think they'll do anything about election fraud here because no-one gives a stuff about Hackney. We wouldn't make the news if there was a new Great Fire of London and the whole place burnt to the ground!

Hackney cynic said...

You are probably right, Pat, but if everyone takes the same attitude we will just continue to float in this stinking mess for ever. Someone has to make a stand, even if the odds are stacked heavily against. If you think this is hard, imagine what life was life for Simon Wiesenthal when he set out his mission. Makes our little swamp seem like a very small puddle.