Saturday, April 23, 2005

Ballot Fraud [Is]/[Is Not] Big Problem In May 2005 Election

Will we be able to trust the general election results? Evidence is piling up of the potential for fraud around postal voting, with numerous examples of Labour asking people who want a postal vote to send their applications back to Labour vote centres, campaign headquarters, or private addresses. But now it’s getting worse. A Hackney Labour leaflet bearing Meg Hillier's email address and the postal address of Meg Hillier's agent asks voters to tick a box to register for a postal vote, alongside a box inviting registration as a Labour supporter, one asking which party you identify with and one asking who you will vote for on 5 May. At the same time, Tony Blair has dismissed widespread criticism over postal ballot security as "hugely exaggerated" and refused to accept any need for a review into the controversial voting method following the election.

Massive Fraud Anticipated In Britain's May 5 Election
Ballot fraud is not big problem, says Tony Blair